John Paul II, the Polish Pope, made an enormous impact on the world. In fact, from a historical perspective, his pontificate could be called an era of unprecedented political, social and religious changes. During his spiritual leadership, the number of Catholics in the world doubled, the totalitarian system of Europe disintegrated and society of the world heard the Gospel message.

In 2009, The Year of the Priest, proclaimed by his successor Pope Benedict XVI, it was suggested to feature several clergy of our country who, in an extra-ordinary way, reflected zeal, dedication and service to Polonia of the United States during the pontificate of John Paul II. These priests lived in different states, exhibited different talents, and provided pastoral ministries in different settings, but they were united in the common effort to serve Polonia of our country according to the teaching of our late Holy Father.

Several of these priests who are featured in the web pages of the National Polish Apostolate are an example of dedication, integrity, and service to God in promoting the traditions and spirituality of our ancestors.

If you know of any priest you consider as a spiritual leader of Polonia who represents the era of John Paul II please forward the information to Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki at:

53 Whitcomb Street
Webster MA 01570
or email to: